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Newcastle Multiple Birth Club

MBAW Newcastle Playgroup

Wed, 19 Mar 2025
09:30 - 11:30

Newcastle Multiple Birth Club (NMBC) is inviting all families with twins, triplets or quadruplets to a very special playgroup session for Multiple Birth Awareness Week. This year's theme is 'Make it a Good Start' and NMBC is committed to do that through offering free playgroups to our members plus much more.

We have these playgroups fortnightly, but this one on Friday 19 March from 9:30am - 11:30am is open to all multiple birth families including those who are not yet members of NMBC. The location of the Newcastle Playgroup is in Adamstown. Once you have registered, you will be emailed the specific playgroup address.

In addition to our regular volunteers, this playgroup will also be visited by The Hon. Sharon Claydon, Member for Newcastle and The Hon. Pat Conroy, Member for Shortland. We may also have some local media present. If you would prefer not to be photographed, please notify us on the day.

As this playgroup is particularly for families with multiples, we ask that you share what type of multiples you have and their age in the 'details' section when ordering your free ticket.

Ticket Type Price
Family Ticket $0.00
Total: $
Adamstown NSW 2289, Australia

New South Wales, Australia

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