Newcastle Multiple Birth Club
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Newcastle Multiple Birth Club Inc. (NMBC) offers support to parents of twins, triplets or more, and to those expecting a multiple birth. We are a voluntary non-profit organisation, providing friendship as well as advice and information on the experience of raising multiples. We speak from the point of view of parents who have experienced the joys and difficulties of raising multiples.
The main aim of NMBC is to provide a means of communication for sharing information about the care and raising of multiple birth children, and to increase the awareness of the individuality of twins, triplets, quadruplets and other multiples. Activities include regular meetings, coffee mornings and other social functions. Services include newsletter, private Facebook group, information, equipment hire, and direct access to the Australian Multiple Birth Association (AMBA), of which the club is a foundation member. All parents of multiple births (biological, adoptive, expectant, bereaved) are eligible for membership in this unique club.